500 Burpee challenge – 22 November 2020

Join us to challenge yourself to move together and achieve 500 burpees for a team of maximum 5 people.

What: 500 Burpee challenge

When: On Sunday the 22nd of November from 10:30 til 11:30 virtually on Zoom

How: With your virtual (no need to be at the same location to participate) team of 5 with one team member working at a time until the team has completed 500 burpees! Each member can be in her/his own home or outside. You can be 1 to 5 people per team!

By these challenging times let’s unite and move together and prove to each other what we’re capable of! Book the date and sign up now!

Location: at home or outside

Schedule: 10:30-11:30

Price: free and open to all (members and non-members)

Required level: all levels (as long as you can do one burpee)

By |2020-11-25T13:57:06+01:00November 11th, 2020|Event|

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