CF Leman 10th anniversary – 9 November 2019

2009 – 2019! 10 years that have passed in a blink of an eye!

The Crossfit Léman celebrates its tenth year of existence on Saturday, November 9 at 20:00 at the Box in Vich. An evening that promises to be exclusively festive and will bring together coaches, collaborators, members of 3 boxes (Eaux-Vives, Nyon and Vich), their families as well as the various partners and sponsors of the box.

If the box usually comes alive with burpees, pull ups and deadlift …, it will turn into a party setting that night. Members will be able to meet and party in a rather “chic & casual” outfit instead of the usual shorts and leggings! Sweating will still be at the rendez-vous with a DJ animation program. Instead of BCAA, alcoholic drinks (or not) will be served at the bar for a very modest price and we will enjoy a huge cake with bubbles.

It is a jubilee that will be an opportunity to thank those who contributed directly or indirectly to the rise of the box that wants to be grateful for his good health. It will also be a moment look back to these 10 exciting and challenging years.

We are waiting for you on this occasion! Register via Zen Planner for the event as well as your family.


Date and schedule:
9th of November – 20:00 to … 🙂

Location: CrossFit Leman Vich (Upstairs)

Registration below before 1st November (Register each participant separately)!

By |2019-12-06T15:00:46+01:00October 21st, 2019|Event|

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