Summer ô-vives special Edition

Assess your general physical condition by knowing how to cope in all situations.

Strategic, strong, enduring, fast, resistant… are you all at once or do you have strengths you didn’t know you had?

You will have the opportunity to choose Rx or Scaled depending on the challenge. You are not obliged to stay scaled if you chose this level on the first or one of the other wods. The result will be the combination of all the wods.

The first challenge will be special. You will have to find a partner who doesn’t know CrossFit. You will be the strategic thinker and you will have to do according to the strengths and weaknesses of your guest.

All other challenges will be individual. Each wod will be evaluated independently and will be added to give you your score which will evaluate your physical condition.

The wods will be integrated into the training schedule. There will be 4 wods and you will have 1 extra day per wod if you wish to do it again. The closing date for registration will be specified for each wod. The realization of the wods will take place during class hours.

The beginning of the hostilities starts on Saturday 27th June and ends on Wednesday 8th July.

The results will be communicated to you on Friday, July 10th.

Wod 1 = Les classes du 27 / réalisable le 27 juin

Wod 2 = Les classes du 29 / réalisable les 29-30 Juin

Wod 3 = Les classes du 3 / réalisable les 3-4 juillet

Wod 4 = Les classes du 6 / réalisable les 6-7-8 juillet

Location: CrossFit Leman Eaux-Vives

Free – Open to members only

Level: open to all levels

Rx + scaled

Evaluation on 10 points per wod. Scaled can have a maximum of  5/10 points and Rx can have a maximum 6/10 points.

By |2020-07-03T14:17:14+02:00June 17th, 2020|Event|

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