Rowathon 2020 – Postponed

Due to the actual pandemic we postponed our Rowathon to next year (date to be determined)!

Join us for another edition of the Rowathon on Sunday the 22nd of November in your box from 8:30 until the 42 km are rowed! After what we will have a buffet lunch where everyone can bring a salad and a desert to share. Assemble 5 people and sign up your team on the main board in your box or send us simply an email at This year again we will be collecting funds for the project 1001 Fountains in order to help people in who do not have access to water in Camodia, Madagascar, Myanmar and Vietnam!

The 1001 Foutains organises donations in order to fund small water kiosks run by entrepreneurs in countries like Cambodia, Madagascar, Mynamar, and Vietnam. These entrepreneurs then distrubute 20% of the water for free to schools and are able to make a profit. This impacts many lives. School childern learn from a young age the importance of hydration and hygiene. Hydration permits them to concentrate in school and then they are less likely miss classes due to sickness. The kiosk workers are also impacted greatly and given a chance to support there families.

Even if you can’t make it for the rowathon event, special water bottles will be available in each box for the whole month of November for you to participate.

In order to comply with the current restrictions, we will ask you to wear a mask while you are waiting for your turn on the rower.

Number of teams.

  • Vich: 10
  • Nyon: 4
  • Eaux-Vives: 4

Schedule: 8 :30 (start 9 :00) – 11:30 (around) – then lunch

Registration: 5 CHF minimum. Register at the box or send us simply an email at

Level required: for all

By |2020-11-03T08:00:08+01:00October 26th, 2020|Event|

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