Strong & Beautiful – 17 March 2020

We are delighted to announce an evening specially dedicated to the ladies of CrossFit Leman in Vich! Pen down the evening of Tuesday, March 17 from 5:00-20:00 and come and pamper yourself and discover beauty tips prepared for you!

We invited for 3 beauty specialists to help you shine. The first guest will be Carina, our next door beautician from the Atelier next door, who will present her specialties, including eyebrow waxing and will help us tailor the best treatment for each kind of skin. The second, Nathalie our hairdresser stylist who has just opened her own salon in Gland who will talk to us about how to take care of our hair especially when we wod often and we will make pretty braids. And the third, Olga who will talk about how to optimize beauty from the inside with nutrition and how to use the right beauty products to crown all your efforts. Test workshops will be available for you to try NuSkin products.

And to make this moment as pleasant as possible, we will have an aperitif! We will take care of drinks and we kindly ask you to bring a little something to complement the table.

On top of it all we will spoil you with surprises for each participant so sign-up now on Zen Planner!

Location: CrossFit Leman Vich

Schedule: 17:00-20:00

Price: free (only for the ladies of CrossFit Leman)

By |2020-03-31T13:00:02+02:00February 7th, 2020|Event|

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