Weightlifting seminar MaStrength 7-8.10

We are pleased to announce our upcoming two-day weightlifting seminar.

The renowned MA STRENGTH team will be coming on Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th October 2023 to our new Box in Gland.

The seminar will be limited to about twenty spots to ensure good learning.

We offer an “Early Bird” price until March 25th. Take advantage of it!

If you want to see what they do, as well as many weightlifting tips,

At CrossFit Leman, CrossFitters, weightlifters, and coaches of all levels will have the opportunity to learn and practice Chinese weightlifting techniques!

The Ma Strength Level 1 seminar will teach you the Chinese technique for the clean & jerk and snatch. Over 2 days, you will practice a variety of exercises and drills while receiving individual and group feedback.

For athletes, the goal of this seminar is to learn how to perform these movements consistently to maximize their training.

For coaches, the seminar will teach progressions, cues, and technical details to improve their Olympic weightlifting analysis.

CrossFit Leman Gland

Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th October 2023

Required level:
open to all levels

Max 20 participants per seminar to ensure good care

By |2023-10-18T07:49:13+02:00March 23rd, 2023|Event|

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