Double Trouble – 11 September 2021

We are organizing the fourth edition of our competiton for teams of 2 (1 man + 1 woman), only limited to members of CrossFit Leman (Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper). The competition will take place in a friendly spirit and will be doable by all levels since we will have two categories: Scaled and RX.

If you usually do the wods RX, choose RX; if you modify most of the workouts, choose SCALED.

Here are a few example standards:
Scaled: Knee raises, Jumping Pull-ups, Thruster 20kg/15kg, Deadlift 60/45kg
RX: Toe-to-bar, Pull-Ups, Thruster 30kg/20kg, Deadlift 80/55kg

There is sign up fee of 40.- for the team.
The participation fee will go towards the prizes and a thank you for volunteers who will receive a t-shirt and and free lunch.

How to sign up?
Sign up on EventBrite with the following link

Once it’s done, please put your name and your teammate on the board in your box ( Vich, Nyon, Eaux-Vives) and check if you are RX or Scaled.

The number of teams is limited to 20 in order to make sure the day goes well and follows a tight schedule!

We will need volunteers on the day of the competition (scoring, judges, preparation of heats…). So if you don’t want to participate in the competition but still want to be part of the day, we invite you to let us know. To thank you, you will get a t-shirt and a free lunch!

ATTENTION, to make things easier, just ONE member of the team has to sign up.

Schedule: ~9:00>16:00

Location: CrossFit Leman Vich

Level required: open to any level (but only for CF Leman members)

IMPORTANT: there will be no class this day at Vich, Nyon or Eaux-Vives. Thus you can all participate in the competition

By |2021-09-20T16:25:32+02:00July 9th, 2021|Event|

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