Christmas Party – 11 December 2022

CFL is organizing a Christmas party for members and their kids, which will take place on 11th of December from 10AM to 1PM.

This Santa Claus is going to share surprise gifts for all kids. Some baby-sitters will be here for you to WoD without worrying! And after that we will have a Canadian meal all together.

How it is going to be:

  • If you would like to come with your kids, it is essential that you register them by sending an email to, mentioning name and age
  •  If you want to comeand do Christmas WOD, please register yourself via Zen planner as usual
  • and if you do not want to do WOD, and you do not have kids, you can just come and join us over drink and meal.

Horaire: 10h-13h. Then pot luck lunch

Inscription: on Zen Planner to do the WoD

By |2022-12-12T07:58:39+01:00November 11th, 2022|Event|

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