CrossFit Leman Intramural Open 2020

The CrossFit Games Open (click here) is the biggest and most fun CrossFit competition of the year. And for the third time we are doing it in teams at CrossFit Leman. Last year more than 100 members participated !

We will divide CrossFit Leman in 3 teams. The team captains and the colors are :

Junior Caetano / Blue
Olga Robertson / Green
Nicolas Féret / Red

To participate you need to sign up on the CrossFit Games website (click here) (20 dollars). Make sure to select CrossFit Leman as affiliate (Even if you do the wods at CFL Nyon, CFL Eaux-Vives or in another box if you are traveling !)

Once you’ve signed up, write your name on the white board at the box.

We will then draw the teams and divide the athletes according to their age and category.

  • You can win 5 points for your team each week if you win one Open WoD in your category ! (Men/Rx/Open, Men/Rx/more than 35, Men/Scaled/Open, Men/Scaled/more than 35, Women/Rx/Open, Women/Rx/more than 35, Women/Scaled/Open, Women/Scaled/more than 35)
  • You can win 3 points for your team each week if you win second place in the Open WoDs in your categroy
  • You can win 2 points for your team each week if you win third place in your category
  • You can win 1 point for your team for each WoD of the CrossFit Games that you do !
  • You can also win 1 point for your team when you judge other athletes (1 point per week per judge maximum)

The team with most points at the end of the Open will be the winning team !



The WoDs will be revealed on the CrossFit Games website starting Friday October 11th and then each end of week until November 10th 2019 (5 WoDs). You will have until the Monday of each week to submit your scores on the CrossFit Games website.

Your WoDs must be judged and validated, so pay attention to the standards of the movements that will be published with each WoD ! Submit your result on the CrossFit Games website otherewise your scores will not be added to your team.

You will see movements such a double unders, burpees, toes to bar, chest to bar pull-ups, wall balls, thrusters, rowing, snatches, etc., everythin you’re used to see ! There are scaled wods, so it is open to everyone !


The official day to do the WoDs will be Saturday morning from 8 :30 to 13 :00 !

If you cannot come on that day, you will be able to plan with a judge so that your WoDs can be done during an open gym and that up to Monday evening.

By |2019-12-06T15:00:48+01:00September 20th, 2019|Event|

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