
Free trial

Congratulations on taking the first step towards an awesome adventure in fitness!

Getting started is very simple at CrossFit Leman! Simply call us to book your free trial session in advance as we try to limit the number of people per class to ensure a great experience!

  • For a free try out, choose a beginners class at the location of your choice (Vich, Nyon or Eaux-Vives) that works for you (Check the menu “schedules” for Vich, Nyon ou Eaux-Vives).
  • Call us 022 364 75 44 or email us at train@crossfitleman.ch to let us know which class you would like to try (we are sorry if we don’t answer right away as we are busy coaching our badass members)! However, we can guarantee, you will hear back from us within 4 hours!
  • Or reserve your class directly by clicking here

We look forward to meeting you and showing you what CrossFit is all about and how it can improve your life!

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