Klokov Workshop – 16+17 January 2016

It’s HUGE!

Dmitri Klokov will be at CrossFit Léman for a weightlifting workshop the 16th and 17th of January 2016.

Dmitri was a World Champion in 2005, European Champion in 2010 and a silver medalist at the Olympic Games in Bejing in 2008. He is 1,82 and weighs about 105 kg, his snatch PR is 196 kg and 232 kg for the clean & jerk… There will be some heavy weights moving around in Vich that weekend !

Klokov announced his retirement from international competition. He recently signed with the Baltimore Anthem of the National Pro Grid League. He is know travelling the world to teach his experience and do workshops.

The workshop will last the whole day.

Two dates are available: 16th or 17th of January 2016 at CrossFit Léman.

Price: 280.- + a souvenir T-shirt

Info and registration for 16th of January:



Info and registration for 17th of January:

One day seminar with Klokov: 
09:00 ​- ​10:00 ​- ​Klokov’s ​training ​demonstration
10:00 ​- ​14:00 ​- ​Snatch ​coaching
14:00 ​- ​15:00 ​- ​Lunch
15:00 ​- ​18:30 ​- ​Clean ​& ​Jerk ​coaching
18:30 ​- ​20:30 ​- ​Demonstration ​of ​accessory ​exercises
20:30 ​- ​21:30 ​- ​Questions ​and ​Answers
21:30 ​- ​22:00 ​- ​Photo ​session, ​posters, ​signing ​etc. ​

Bring ​comfortable ​clothes ​and ​shoes ​as ​you ​will ​be ​oly ​lifting ​as ​well ​as ​a ​change ​of ​clothes. ​It ​is ​January…in ​Switzerland…so ​dress ​appropriately! ​

CrossFit ​Leman ​has ​showers ​and ​changing ​rooms ​if ​needed. ​
Parking ​is ​available ​outside ​CrossFit ​Leman.

Lunch ​is ​not ​included, ​however ​if ​you ​would ​like ​a ​lunch, ​the ​Kettlebelles ​will ​be ​providing ​a ​lunch ​menu ​of ​Soup ​and ​Chicken ​Salad ​to ​be ​purchased ​directly ​on ​site. ​

If ​you ​cancel ​before ​the ​3rd ​of ​January ​2016 ​we ​will ​refund ​you ​the ​full ​cost ​of ​the ​seminar, ​after ​that ​date ​a ​CHF50.- ​cancellation ​fee ​will ​be ​applied ​to ​your ​refund.

By |2019-12-06T15:02:43+01:00October 5th, 2015|Event|

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