NutriChallenge – Beautiful Naked
The start of the spring calls for the establishment of new habits! We are announcing our new 6 week nutrition challenge! This is your opportunity to finally get on track with long term nutrition[...]
Weightlifting seminar MaStrength 7-8.10
We are pleased to announce our upcoming two-day weightlifting seminar. The renowned MA STRENGTH team will be coming on Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th October 2023 to our new Box in Gland. The seminar[...]
Christmas Party – 11 December 2022
CFL is organizing a Christmas party for members and their kids, which will take place on 11th of December from 10AM to 1PM. This Santa Claus is going to share surprise gifts for all kids.[...]
Rowathon 2022 – 13 November 2022
Join us for a new edition of the Rowathon which will be held on Sunday 13th November in the Vich box from 8:30 am until the 42 km are covered! So get your team[...]
Weightlifting seminar with Benjamin Hennequin
Benjamin Hennequin, french weightlifter will give a seminar on weightlifting topic, which will include theory and practice. Achievements: At the 2011 World Championships, he won a silver medal. At the 2014 European Championships, he won the[...]
Double Trouble – 27 August 2022
We are organizing our first competition for teams of 2 (1 man + 1 woman), only limited to members of CrossFit Leman (Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper). The competition will take place in a friendly[...]