
Schedule CrossFit Leman Vich

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Description of classes?

These are how you best start CrossFit. They are 3x 30min one on one classes where the coach will take time to teach you the nine foundational movements. These are required at Vich, but optional in Nyon and Eaux Vives. These classes focus on technique and mastering the basics.

Any level is welcome to these classes – beginners and more advanced members.

You can come at any time during these hours to do the Workout of the Day or a workout of your choice. These classes are not coached but there is a coach present to supervise.

1 hour of mobility to work on health of joints and flexibility of muscles aimed at improve good movement

This class is designed for people who want to start moving. You will start gently by increasing mobility and making your body stronger throughout targeted exercises. The intensity will be kept to a minimum as well as impact.

This class lasts 1h30min and is designed to challenge our most advanced and accomplished athletes. It is really for people who want to compete in CrossFit.

How do I know how many sessions I attended? Just to to your profile where you book your classes and click on the attendance link, scroll down and there you have it! the total number of classes you attended with us!

If you still have a doubt about your actual level and if you are not sure what class to choose, ask one of CFLeman coaches, they will kindly advise you regarding your performances.

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