
What is CrossFit

Losing the excitement you used to have for exercise?

Here the workout changes everyday!

CrossFit’s prescription is “constantly varied, high intensity, functional movements”. It is a fitness program with best fitness trainers designed around the things you do in the real world. Every day, you bend down and pick things up, you put things over your head, you squat down, you stand up or you run after you kids. We prepare you to perform those exact movements in our workouts. The beauty of CrossFit is that our personal fitness trainer scales and modifies to meet any of your individual skill levels, strength levels or even work around injuries.

The key to the whole program is that we work really, really hard…in high intensity and TOGETHER! Exercising in a group setting helps improve motivation and effort. CrossFit will help you improve the ten components of fitness: strength, power, speed, stamina, cardio-respiratory endurance, coordination, agility, balance, accuracy and flexibility.

Is it for you?
Yes! The CrossFit program is designed to be universally scalable making it the perfect application for any committed individual regardless of your fitness experience. We adapt the workouts to your ability! We have athletes ranging from 4 to 88 years old training with us. Simply put, everyone, including you, can do CrossFit.

How does it work?
The program is taught in a group setting and each class is coached by, at minimum, a Certified Level 1 CrossFit trainer to ensure proper technique, form and a level of intensity to maximise your results each visit. A typical session begins with a warm-up, a review of the movements, the WOD (Work Out of the Day), and some mobility work and stretching, all in 1 hour period!

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